Chapter 15 Appendices

15.1 Values of USES

Table 15-1. Values of USES

Feature Arguments Description
bison none, build, run, both Implies that the port uses devel/bison in one way or another. By default, with no arguments or with the build argument, it implies bison as a build-time dependency, run implies a run-time dependency, and both implies both run-time and build-time dependencies.
cmake none, outsource The port will use CMake for configuring and building. With the outsource argument, an out-of-source build will be performed. For more information see Section 6.3.4.
fuse none Implies the port will depend on the FUSE library and handle the the dependency on the kernel module depending on the version of FreeBSD.
pathfix none Look for the and configure files in the port's associated sources and fix common paths to make sure they respect the FreeBSD hierarchy.
qmail none, build, run, both, vars Implies that the port uses mail/qmail in one way or another. With the build argument, it implies qmail as a build-time dependency. run implies a run-time dependency. Using no argument or the both argument implies both run-time and build-time dependencies. vars will only set QMAIL variables for the port to use.
zenoss none Implies the port uses net-mgmt/zenoss in one way or another, but largely is used for building zenoss related zenpack ports.
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