Chapter 8 The Website

Table of Contents
8.1 Preparation
8.2 Build the Web Pages from Scratch
8.3 Install the Web Pages into Your Web Server
8.4 Environment Variables

8.1 Preparation

Use a disk with sufficient free space. You may need anything from 200 MB to over 500 MB, depending on the method you choose. This space will hold the XML tools, a subset of the svn tree, temporary build space and the installed web pages.

Note: Make sure your documentation ports are up to date! When in doubt, remove the old ports using pkg_delete(1) command before installing the port. For example, we currently depend on jade-1.2 and if you have installed jade-1.1, please do:

# pkg_delete jade-1.1

8.1.1 Using svn

svn is necessary to “check out” the necessary files from the doc/ Subversion repository. svn can be installed with pkg_add(1) or from the FreeBSD Ports Collection by running:

# cd /usr/ports/devel/subversion
# make install clean

To check out the full source files for the FreeBSD website, run:

# svn checkout /usr/build is a public SVN server. Select the closest mirror and verify the mirror server certificate from the list of Subversion mirror sites.

Tip: If svn is not run as root, be sure /usr/build has the proper permissions for the current user. If changing the permissions is not possible, use a different target directory for the website files.

When svn finishes, the current version of the FreeBSD website will exist within /usr/build. If a different target directory was used, replace /usr/build appropriately throughout the remainder of this document.

That's it! You can now proceed with the website build.