Contributors to FreeBSD

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$FreeBSD: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/contributors/article.xml 41109 2013-03-06 18:06:00Z gavin $

Legal Notice

This article lists individuals and organizations who have made a contribution to FreeBSD.

Table of Contents
1 Donors Gallery
2 The FreeBSD Developers
3 Core Team Alumni
4 Development Team Alumni
5 Ports Management Team Alumni
6 Development Team: In Memoriam
7 Derived Software Contributors
8 Additional FreeBSD Contributors
9 386BSD Patch Kit Patch Contributors

1 Donors Gallery

Note: As of 2010, the following section is several years out-of-date. Donations from the past several years appear here.

The FreeBSD Project is indebted to the following donors and would like to publicly thank them here!